A paper by Professor Seong Jae Hwang's research team, titled "EAGLE: Eigen Aggregation Learning for Object-Centric Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation," has been selected as a Highlight Paper at CVPR 2024, the top-tier international conference in the field of AI and computer vision. This achievement places it in the top 2.8% of all submitted papers.
This research addresses the issue that existing methods do not consider object-level representation during training, proposing a new methodology to implement unsupervised semantic segmentation with object-centric representation. This method uses the eigenbasis of the Graph Laplacian to obtain clues about objects and conducts contrastive learning based on these clues.
The research was conducted under the guidance of Professor Seong Jae Hwang(Dept. of AI), with contributions from Chanyoung Kim (Dept. of AI), Woojung Han (Dept. of CS), and Dayun Ju (Dept. of CS).
EAGLE: Eigen Aggregation Learning for Object-Centric Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation: